3 Factors That Are Causes of mental health problems

General Mental Health

Though the exact causes of mental health problems are unknown, different research in every part of the world shows that biological, psychological, and environmental factors lead to mental health problems. We talk about these factors in this article.

According to Ourworldindata, around 1-in-7 people have one or more mental health problems. This means that 15% of the worldwide population is affected by mental disorders. This number is frightening and is on the verge of increasing every year. While many may be unaware of their illness because of the low severity, there are plenty of people in maximum pain and suffering. 

Let’s jump to the different factors that may cause different mental health problems.

Causes of Mental Health Problems : Biological Factors

The chemicals present in our brain should always be in the right proportion and when the volume defers too much, either too low or too high, mental illness is the ultimate result. This deferring of mental chemicals is called chemical imbalance which negatively affects the way we control our emotions and feelings i.e. a mental disorder. 

Below are the list of different biological factors that cause different mental issues:

1. Heredity

According to recent studies, our genes have an impact on how our brains are “wired up” throughout childhood, making us more susceptible to a variety of mental health issues in later life.

The risk of being affected by a mental disorder is high for those having parents or older generations already suffered from it, just like any physical trait. This implies that while one member of the family could have a moderate instance of the mental condition, another may have a more severe case. But usual inherited patterns do not apply to mental diseases.

Drug addict's hand trying to catch the drugs | Drug Abuse | One of the main causes of mental health problems

2. Drug abuse

The prolonged abuse of drugs leads to mental issues like anxiety and depression. Drug abusers are at a high chance of being unable to focus, having dramatic increment in aggression toward their family members, having depression, and so on.

Regular drug usage can make you more vulnerable to developing sadness or anxiety. People experience anxiety, paranoia, and depression after using stimulant medicines. Cocaine is a type of stimulant that can bring back past mental health issues and cause psychosis and schizophrenia. 

Hallucinogenic substances like magic mushrooms can exacerbate any mental health conditions. They may make you feel disassociated from your environment and trigger traumatic or upsetting flashbacks.

3. Traumatic Brain Injuries(TBIs)

The brain that is struck very hard can cause mental disorders by the forceful agitation of chemicals inside. Our brain has an impact on our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Therefore, a TBI can have an impact on our physical and mental health as well as our behavior. Your risk of developing mental health issues including anxiety and depression as well as sleeping issues increases by the injury, which can range in severity from minor to severe.

plastic biohazard bag

4. Exposure to toxins

As time went on, studies discovers that environmental contaminants, like mold, inhalants, and pollution, were frequently to blame. Environmental toxins have an effect on almost every system in your body and can harm the brain, which can cause a number of physical and “mental” symptoms. Many people have to deal with toxins in their workplaces. Prolonged exposure to toxins in the workplace is a major contributing factor to mental health issues.

5. Poor Nutrition

We learn early on that eating healthfully contributes to our appearance and bodily well-being. But we don’t frequently hear that eating well has a big impact on our mental health as well. We can think more clearly and feel more awake with the aid of a healthy, balanced diet. Additionally, it can increase focus and attention span.

On the other hand, a poor diet can cause weariness, impair judgment, and slow down the time of reaction. A bad diet can really make stress and sadness worse and even set them off.

Causes of Mental Health Problems : Psychological Factors

All people go through a lot of events in their lives. Some events can be mood boosters while some turn into life stressors for the rest of their lives. Life experiences from the small age to 80 years old can lead to anxiety or depression. A child who is a victim of abuse either sexually or physically is more likely to be mentally ill. Similarly, a 75-year-old man just out of prison can suffer from depression.

Anyone-anywhere can be a mental health patient because of the following psychological factors:

  • Physical, emotional, or sexual abuse faced by a child
  • Loss of a person very close to one’s life, such as a father, mother, or a best friend
  • A person’s feeling of being neglected everywhere
  • Poor interpersonal relations skills

Causes of Mental Health Problems : Environmental or Social Factors

David Emile Durkheim quoted suicide as a social phenomenon in his famous book “Suicide: A Study in Sociology”. Suicide is one of the dangerous consequences of having a mental illness, but it can’t always be directly compared with mental disorders.

Just like Durkheim mentioned suicide as a social phenomenon, many types of mental illness are caused  by social or environmental factors which have the maximum probability of affecting the ability of people to deal with stress, some of which are mentioned below:

1. Lacking sufficient social support

Lets say a person loses job or has just faced a divorce. He needs support from his parents or anyone close to him. This may directly hit his mental strength leading him to a depressed state.

Research has shown connection between social bonds and a variety of elements of health and wellness. The risk of the conditions like excessive use of alcohol, cardiovascular diseases, depression, and suicide increases due lack of social support. This is also connected to sadness and loneliness and has been demonstrated to change brain function.

Poverty - Major cause of mental health issues
Side view portrait of Caucasian refugees sitting on floor in shelter covered with blankets

2. Poverty

Poor people are more likely of having poor mental health. Research has now proven a strong link between poverty and poorer mental health in societies all around the world. The world’s poorest, most excluded, and most marginalized people experience greater rates of mental illness as a result of poverty and inequality, both of which have been shown to be harmful to our mental health. This is due to different reasons like not getting nutritious food, not being able to fulfill the basic needs of the family, lack of self-care, more stress, etc.

3. Social or Cultural expectations

Some society has certain expectations that if a person fails to maintain is highly probable to be excluded or at least kept under mental pressure. For instance, if a woman cannot give birth to a baby, then she is more likely to get mental pressure from society. This finally leads to some sort of mental illness. If somebody finds out he/she is a third gender later in life, then he/she gets mentally stressed. Reason for this is doubt about whether society accepts him or not. These expectations from society are another major cause of mental disorders.

4.  Lack of purpose in life

A person’s sense of purpose is typically regarded as the most crucial factor in determining how they will behave, make choices, and achieve their goals. The pursuit of one’s passions, starting a family, giving back to the community, or one’s work may be what it means to some people. 

Everybody knows that an idle brain is the devil’s workshop. So having a purpose in life is an important factor because the activities you do for that purpose make your brain involved. People tend to be in better mental and physical health when they feel they have a strong sense of direction in life.

5. Relationships that are toxic

Any relationship, whether it be with a family member, friend, or workplace, can be toxic. Although there will always be some level of conflict in a relationship, toxic partnerships are distinct from just problematic ones. You can feel mistreated, denigrated, undervalued, or even abused in toxic relationships. A toxic relationship is fundamentally abusive and can harm your mental and emotional well-being.

Your health can suffer as a result of harmful relationships and people since they make you feel depressed and emotionally fatigued. Stress disorders, anxiety, and depressive symptoms can result from toxic connections, even indirect ones like children raised by parents in a toxic marriage.

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